
Maxwell transient simulation of electromagnetic gun with external circuit

Maxwell transient simulation of electromagnetic gun with external circuit

  • Since the ANSYS external circuit editor is not mentioned in many tutorials, the blogger writes it here so that everyone can learn from each other. Maxwell simulation electromagnetic gun external circuit
  • This tutorial will not teach basic operations. You can go to station B to find basic tutorials for basic operations. This blog focuses on the basic application of Maxwell circuir editor.

1. Create a new 2D simulation and select transient as solution type

Maxwell transient simulation of electromagnetic gun with external circuit

2. Build the model as shown below and set the calculation domain, but you need to add a motion domain

  • The parameters of the aluminum bullet are inner diameter 10mm, outer diameter 15mm, and length 20mm.
  • The drive coil has an inner diameter of 20mm, an outer diameter of 36mm, and a length of 30mm.

3. Set up materials

4. Set up the finite element mesh of the bullet and the drive coil

  • The aluminum spring grid is 2mm and the drive coil is 4mm.

5. Set up incentives:

  • Add 60 turns of coil and add winding

  • Add the coil to the winding (there is only one winding, just confirm it)

6. Write the external circuit

  • Open the circuit editor

  • Find components in the area to connect the circuit

  • To set up MODLE, the process is as follows:

  • The setup process for the diode is the same as for the diode

  • Setting the winding

  • Export the circuit as an sph file

7. Import external circuit

  • Then determine it directly (because there is only one coil corresponding to the winding, if it is a motor simulation, the external circuit and multiple windings need to correspond separately)

8. Add force to the bullet

(Just confirm it directly)

9. Motion domain settings

  • Select the motion domain:

10. Set up Analysis

11. Add conditions to consider the eddy effect of the bullet

12. Check and analyze the results

  • Set the area to view the bullet vortex

13. Use animation to view the movement of bullets and changes in vortex

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